Can You Rely on the Pullout Method? New Research Says Yes – With the 5 Hour Rule

The pullout method, also known as withdrawal, is a contraceptive practice where the male partner withdraws his penis from the vagina before ejaculation to prevent sperm from entering the female reproductive tract. While pullout method effectiveness is less reliable than other forms of contraception, new research sheds light on how to make it more effective by following the 5-hour rule.

What is the 5-Hour Rule?

The 5-hour rule is based on recent scientific findings that sperm can only survive in the male urethra for up to 5 hours. According to a study published in ScienceDirect, the motile spermatozoa in the urethra do not live beyond this time frame. This means that if there is at least a 5-hour gap between sexual encounters, the risk of pregnancy from precum (pre-ejaculate) significantly decreases.

Typical Pullout Method Effectiveness

In theory, using the 5-Hour Rule can decrease your pregnancy odds to almost zero, but sometimes it can be hard to wait 5 hours… That’s why we made the free Contraceptive Risk Calculator! See the pullout method effectiveness for your unique situation, just select “pullout method” from the drop-down menu below.

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Key Considerations for Effective Use of the Pullout Method

  1. Timing Between Sexual Encounters: Ensure that there is at least a 5-hour interval between sexual activities. This gap allows any remaining sperm in the urethra to die, reducing the risk of pregnancy from precum.
  2. Urination Before Sex: Urinating before sex can help flush out any residual sperm in the urethra, further minimizing the chances of sperm being present in precum.
  3. Awareness and Control: The male partner must have strong self-control and be highly aware of his body’s signals to withdraw in time. This requires practice and trust between partners.
  4. Backup Contraception: Combining the pullout method with another form of contraception, such as condoms or spermicides, can provide added protection and peace of mind.
  5. Communication: Open and honest communication between partners is crucial. Discussing expectations, comfort levels, and backup plans can enhance the method’s effectiveness and ensure both partners are on the same page.

The Science Behind the 5-Hour Rule

The key to the 5-hour rule lies in understanding sperm survival within the male urethra. After ejaculation, some sperm may remain in the urethra. However, these sperm do not stay viable for long. The study in ScienceDirect found that motile spermatozoa could only survive in the urethra for up to 5 hours. After this period, the sperm lose their motility and ability to fertilize an egg.

By ensuring a 5-hour gap between sexual encounters, couples can significantly reduce the likelihood of viable sperm being present in precum, thus decreasing the risk of unintended pregnancy.

The Limitations of the Pullout Method

While the 5-hour rule can improve the effectiveness of the pullout method, it is important to acknowledge its limitations:

  • Human Error: The pullout method heavily relies on perfect timing and control, which can be challenging in the heat of the moment.
  • No STI Protection: This method does not protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Using condoms is recommended to reduce the risk of STIs.
  • Effectiveness: Even with perfect use, the pullout method is less effective than other contraceptive methods. Typical use failure rates are around 20%, meaning 1 in 5 couples using this method may experience an unintended pregnancy within a year.


The pullout method can be a viable contraceptive option for some couples when used correctly and consistently. By understanding and implementing the 5-hour rule, couples can enhance the method’s effectiveness. This rule, supported by scientific research, provides a practical way to reduce the risk of pregnancy from precum. However, due to its inherent limitations, it is wise to consider combining it with other contraceptive methods for better protection.

For more detailed information on contraceptive options and personalized advice, consulting a healthcare professional is always recommended.