Pregnancy Chance Calculator Featured in Google’s #WeArePlay Campaign!

Pregnancy Chance Calculator Featured in Google's #WeArePlay Campaign!

We are absolutely thrilled to share some monumental news with our amazing community! Our Pregnancy Chance Calculator has been recognized and featured in Google’s prestigious #WeArePlay campaign. This incredible honour is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and passion of our entire team. We are immensely proud to stand alongside other innovative apps that … Read more

Can You Rely on the Pullout Method? New Research Says Yes – With the 5 Hour Rule

The pullout method, also known as withdrawal, is a contraceptive practice where the male partner withdraws his penis from the vagina before ejaculation to prevent sperm from entering the female reproductive tract. While pullout method effectiveness is less reliable than other forms of contraception, new research sheds light on how to make it more effective … Read more

Does Ovulation Tracking Work? New Science Says No

Woman looking at calendar

Embarking on a fertility journey is both exciting and challenging. For many hopeful parents, ovulation tracking has become a cornerstone method to increase the chances of conception. However, recent scientific research suggests that this popular approach may not be as effective as once thought. The Surprising Truth About Ovulation Tracking Despite its widespread use, ovulation … Read more