How Vitamin D Levels Could Affect Your Pregnancy Chances: What Science Says


Did you know that your Vitamin D levels might play a role in your fertility? A recent study has highlighted the connection between Vitamin D deficiency and the success rate of women undergoing IVF. If you are trying to conceive, whether naturally or through fertility treatments, this is something you should pay attention to. Let’s dive into what the research reveals and see how our Pregnancy Chance Calculator can help you assess your own fertility prospects.

The Science Behind Vitamin D and Fertility

In a retrospective cohort study conducted from 2012 to 2016, researchers set out to determine whether serum Vitamin D levels before ovarian stimulation affected the cumulative live birth rate (CLBR) of women undergoing their first in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycle (Source). Vitamin D receptors are present in the female reproductive tract, making Vitamin D an interesting factor in fertility research.

Study Results: What You Should Know

  • Deficiency in Vitamin D: The study found that 42.2% of women undergoing IVF were Vitamin D deficient (with levels below 50 nmol/L).
  • Lower Success Rates: Women with Vitamin D deficiency had a significantly lower CLBR (43.9%) compared to those with adequate Vitamin D levels (50.9%).
  • Other Outcomes: The study found no significant differences in miscarriage rates or live birth rates in fresh cycles between the deficient and non-deficient groups.

These findings suggest that correcting Vitamin D deficiency before fertility treatments, like IVF, may improve your chances of achieving a live birth.

How the Pregnancy Chance Calculator Can Help

With Vitamin D potentially impacting your fertility, assessing how different factors—including nutrition—affect your chances of conceiving is crucial. Our Pregnancy Chance Calculator provides a personalized fertility estimate based on your age, lifestyle factors, and more.

How to Use It:

  1. Enter Personal Information: Such as age, height, weight, and contraceptive use.
  2. Lifestyle Factors: Include details about your weekly work hours, alcohol intake, smoking habits, and nutrition.
  3. Get Your Results: Receive an estimate of your pregnancy chances based on scientifically-backed data.

For an even deeper analysis, consider using the Personalized Pregnancy Chance Analysis (PPCA), which includes factors like medical conditions and offers suggestions to improve your chances.

Improving Your Vitamin D Levels for Better Fertility

If you’re concerned about your Vitamin D levels, there are simple steps you can take to improve them:

  • Spend Time in the Sun: Sunlight exposure helps your body produce Vitamin D naturally. Aim for at least 15-30 minutes of sunlight exposure several times a week.
  • Consider Supplements: If you’re not getting enough from the sun or diet, consider taking a Vitamin D supplement, but consult your doctor before doing so.
  • Eat Vitamin D-Rich Foods: Include foods like salmon, eggs, and fortified dairy products in your diet.


Vitamin D plays an important role in fertility, and its deficiency may reduce the chances of a successful pregnancy, particularly for those undergoing fertility treatments like IVF. Understanding how your Vitamin D levels affect your fertility can help you take the necessary steps to boost your chances of conception. Use our Pregnancy Chance Calculator to get an accurate estimate of your current pregnancy chances and see how different factors, like nutrition, may influence your fertility.


  1. Ko, J.K.Y., et al. (2022). Effect of serum vitamin D level before ovarian stimulation on the cumulative live birth rate of women undergoing in vitro fertilization: a retrospective analysis. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. Link to study